Wow. This year has been… something else, hasn’t it?!

I’ll get the obvious out of the way first… COVID-19 has been a massive challenge for everyone and impacted pretty much every aspect of our way of life. It changed everything we knew and took for granted in the space of a week. We went from washing our hands for 20 seconds and singing happy birthday to battening down the hatches, stockpiling toilet paper and not hugging your Mum for 4 months.

It’s strange to think we’re living through a life-changing, history-making event and something we’re never going to forget. There aren’t many historical events that the entire planet has shared collectively at the same time. The last one probably being World War II.

The first post of the year was all about what I had in store for KeyMash in 2020. Looking back I was so optimistic and had no clue what was about to hit us! I feel like I’ve not achieved any of the goals I set. I’ve laid some of the groundwork for the Cyber Security Certifications and I’ve improved the systems and IT infrastructure… so that’s something!

I feel very fortunate that I’ve kept working throughout as I know some of the Testing Contractors in my network are still out of work and haven’t worked since all this began. When my Contracts have ended, I’ve not been out of work for very long. I had a two-week break in April when a client furloughed their staff and paused our contracts but went straight back to work after the two weeks as promised. It was such a strange two weeks because both my wife and I had been furloughed (her properly furloughed. My Contract was “paused”) within days of each other. Under normal circumstances, it’d be great to have two weeks with each other to do whatever we wanted, however, we couldn’t do anything or go anywhere!

I had another Contract come to an end on the 18th December but have another one starting on the 4th of January. New year, new job!

2021 has got to be better. It has to be! So from everyone here at KeyMash HQ… stay safe and have a happy 2021 – because we’ve all earned a good year after this one!

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